Thank you for your interest in Gocycle (and congratulations on your fantastic taste in bikes).
In this website, you will find all the information you’ll need to make your decision. If you like, browse YouTube. There’s lots to see and reviews available. But before you start, we’d like to tell you a little about FoldEbikes and what we call ‘The Gocycle Grin’.
It is what happens after a ride on Gocycle, FoldEbikes started after a ride on a Gocycle G2 at the Melbourne sustainability expo, we realised the potential after the grin. and now after workshop training at Gocycle HQ in the UK we are registered resellers right here in Australia.
We have seen first hand the relentless pursuit of excellence of a man and group of hand picked professionals that has led to the advancements in bike technology that only Gocycle can offer, with proprietary and patented systems and parts by Gocycle.
Why does Gocycle go further than everyone else? Well, it’s because customers appreciate it. They’re big on world firsts. They love the intuitive clever design and of course, they’re the best Fun to Ride !! And we at FoldEbike will go further for our customers too. We know you appreciate these things and we are honored to come to you for a test drive.
We know you will love a Gocycle (Grin).